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Spring Break--Stay or Go?

Many students are finding inexpensive ways to enjoy the break in this tough economy By Phaimie Jean JacquesCCNY students are psyched to get a break from school. They were looking forward to this for weeks, except this time around, will they go anywhere? As an alternative, students are visiting places that do not require a plane ticket.Mariam Danioko, a senior majoring in biology, plans to travel by car. “My friend and I are driving to Florida,” she says.Other students will stay put. Melissa Joseph says she'll remain close to home.  “I really wanted to go somewhere this spring break,” says the psychology major. “I have a lot of school work to catch up with, so I need to do that during the break.”Money also kept Jenny Wan from taking a spring break trip. "My parents are going to visit family in China," says Wan, an MCA major. “I want to go with them but there is not enough money to take me along.”Still others remain undecided. Says MCA major Zachary Goulbourne: “My close friends are going to Cancun and want me to come,” he says. “I don't know what I'm going to do."One option? "I just want to stay home and sleep," says Goulbourne. "I feel lazy, said Goulbourne.” 

The Weekender 3-29-13

Managing Stress, A Cocked Piano And More For Tuesday