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Possible Cure for Cancer?

But some think it might be impossible to seek this treatment because of the government's hidden agendaBy Joyce Li.Do you know a loved one who has passed away from cancer? What if there was a treatment that may have saved that person’s life?Since 1976, Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski has been practicing a non-toxic cancer treatment of what he calls, Antineoplastons in his Houston, Texas, research clinic. He says he has had high success rates compared to the traditional treatments with his patients’ medical records to prove it.Instead of the toxic side effects radiation and chemotherapy can cause such as hair loss, nausea, kidney failure and many more, Antineoplastons apparently have no harmful side effects. Dr. Burzynski produces this drug by extracting peptides found in healthy normal patients and giving them to cancer patients who lack these peptides in their urine and blood.In the documentary, "Burzynski: Cancer is Serious Business" directed by and produced by Eric Merola, many of Burzynski's patients volunteered to speak of their visits to the Burzynski clinic and shared their success stories in battling deadly brain tumors. One of his patients who appeared in the film, Jodi Fenton, was diagnosed with an inoperable grade III Anapestic Astrocytoma brain tumor on May 15, 2000. She declined chemotherapy and radiation treatment and chose Antineoplaston treatment instead. One month after starting treatment, she says, her cancer was completely gone.In an on-camera interview in the documentary Dr. Julian Whitaker, a longtime practitioner of alternative medicine, says he supports Dr. Burzynski's treatments. "I was astounded. Dr. Burzynski had MRIs of brain tumors, known to be almost universally fatal, that had simply disappeared. It was obvious to me that he had made the most important discovery in cancer treatment ever," Whitaker says.A number of respected nonprofit and government institutions, however, don't agree. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the National Cancer Institute, and every possible Texas medical authority have attacked the Burzynski clinic numerously over a decade. Court cases they have filed to stop his medical practice have failed.What is Burzynki doing wrong? Dr. Whitaker explains, "We've got thousands of doctors in oncology and oncology residency programs, we've got the pharmaceutical industry pumping out chemotherapeutic agents every month. We've got all this stuff in the war on cancer, and its trillions of dollars." If patients were to choose Antineoplastons treatment over radiation and chemotherapy, he insists, then the pharmaceutical companies would lose billions of dollars in profits.CCNY senior Alexander Jorge, a communications major, found out about Dr. Burzynski through Facebook when a friend posted a video clip from the documentary which was re-titled, "The Cure For Cancer but the FDA doesn't want you to know." Jorge decided to research and watch the whole documentary.“The FDA is working on behalf of the pharmaceutical companies. They’re in bed together,” says Jorge. “They don’t care if a lot of people are dying of this disease, if their profits are affected then money will come first before the dying patients.”“Patients shouldn’t be limited to the treatment of their choice,” addssd CCNY freshman Daniela Agudelo, who has had an uncle die from lung cancer 11 years ago. “If I had known about the Antineoplaston treatment, I would have liked my uncle to see Dr. Burzynski. The FDA are denying people the right to choose a cure so that they can live.”Jorge adds, “If the treatment works, why would you want to stop it? Well, at the end of the day, money is more important.”

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