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Killer Drinks?

  Read this before you gulp 5-hour Energy, Monster or another caffeinated energizer! By Jennifer De Leon

 With finals approaching, students start stocking up on energy drinks in anticipation of the long hours of studying and the backlash of endless procrastination.

According to the Huffington Post, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration confirmed that the caffeine drink, 5-hour Energy may have been involved in 13 deaths over the past four years. Monster Energy drinks may have caused another five deaths over the last three years.  They can contain the caffeine of several strong cups of coffee.Romy Fabal, a staff nurse from the CCNY Student Health Services, explains the danger in these highly caffeinated drinks. “With constant use it takes a toll on the body,” she says, “from caffeine toxicity to even cardiac arrhythmia.”For many CCNY students, energy drinks like Monster, 5-hour Energy, and Red Bull offer a quick fix to help them get through grueling final examinations.Rockeem Jackson, 23, an architecture student, stands by his favorite drink 5-hour Energy. “I know all of the health risks but I cannot survive any finals week with out it,“ Jackson explains. “I usually drink one to two of them a day when finals come around, I’ve survived this long, I think I’ll manage.”Fabal recommends healthier options for students. “Healthy snacks like nuts, granola, and trail mix offer a boost, not as substantial as the energy drinks, but there won’t be a crash after.”It all comes down to time management Fabal says. “If you leave all of your papers till the night before, you’re gonna need that Red Bulll,” Fabal explains, “Students need to manage their time better.”  

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