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Why Doesn't the ?$%! Wi-Fi Work?

We finally have an answer to the signal problem--it's your fault! Darlene BuenoStudents, as well as faculty, complain constantly about the wifi signal throughout the school."It's frustating," says Frank Ponciao, a CCNY junior studying psychology."Terrible," adds Arlene Usha, another CCNY student. "Not having access everywhere sucks cause it doesn't allow me to use my laptop conveniently."The Office of Technology finally addressed the problem, confessing that the system is on overload.  “This is due to the proliferation of mobile devices now being used throughout the campus," noted an email sent to students and faculty. "...which is causing us to routinely reach the maximum allowed devices on our wireless network.”But this message did little to stop the complaints. “None of my devices connect," yelled Juan Acosta to make himself heard. "They need to update their wireless grid.”What advice does the technology office have to offer? For now, use fewer devices to take the strain off the system.And what does Acosta have to say about that? "It sucks!"  

Islamic Awareness, East Harlem Gangsters And More

Can You Hear Me?