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Comic Con 2014

Comic Con 2014

10616222_10152806257118120_434581999462311076_nMore costumes, more adventures, more funEver since I was a little kid I loved reading comics and playing video games. The first comic book I picked up was Calvin & Hobbes and the first game I played was Super Mario and Duck Hunt – I was hooked ever since.  As time went by I thought to myselfWouldn’t it be cool if there was a place where game, comics and more were gathered into one place for all to see?Comic Con is that place for me and anyone else that thought the same.  I am attracted to Comic Con not only because I get to see what is new in the world of comic, video games, and other forms of entertainment. I get to meet and greet with people who are just like me and bring just as much enthusiasm to this event.New York Comic Con came and went this past weekend at the Javits Center. This year, Cosplay and entertainers swarmed the convention. Cosplay is short for “costume play”, in fact, the Oxford Dictionary even has a definition: The practice of dressing up as a character from a movie, book, or video game, especially one from the Japanese genres of manga and anime.I for one couldn’t pass up on the opportunity to dress up. I ended up going as Dallas, the bank robber from the Payday video game series.Starz’s Black Sails had a public panel where the cast talked about the show and its upcoming second season, as well as a question and answer segment at the end. Audience members asked the cast questions, and the cast answered with much enthusiasm. For all you Black Sails fans out there – season 3 was just given the go-ahead.Fox’s Bobs Burgers, FX’s Archer and Cartoon Network’s Regular Show had public panels just to name some more. Shows in attendance gave inspiration for Cosplay enthusiasts but attendees added their own personal flair to notable costumes. One would have a ballerina skirt and a deadpool costume, while another applied a samurai outfit on top of their Deadpool costume. Some attendees would have Storm Trooper helmets with suits, and others would have on full Storm Trooper gear with bunny ears, the list goes on.Statues and figurines played a huge role at the show. Booths such as Square Enix and the Ban Dai booths showed off expensive statues behind glass. Many of these figures prices range from 500 – 2000 dollars. Yes, a lot of these statues / figures cater to the more serious of collectors.A major low point of New York Comic Con was the lack of video games on the show floor.  The show floor exhibited Resident Evil Revelations 2 and Dragon Ball Xenoverse. People waited upwards of an hour to play this game. The line to play Dragon Ball Xenoverse wasn’t horrible so everyone on line got a chance to play.As a whole, I would give this year’s Comic Con a B. This is due to the lack of games present at the event. The lines for certain attractions insisted of long wait times so arriving sooner rather than later was wise. What kept this convention alive was the large number of people in costumes, there were more public panels than last year, and the presence of collectables was a big one. Now we have to wait a full year for more of what we love.For more on Comic Con click here and here.  

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