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Avoiding Procrastination While Virtually Learning

Avoiding Procrastination While Virtually Learning

Words by Sarah Logan
Graphic by Aspasia Celia Tsampas

With online classes becoming the norm for the Spring 2021 semester, it can seem like virtual classes are dragging on. Because classes are virtual, the desire to procrastinate and multitask during work and class time has taken over student’s education. Because it is so easy to turn off your camera, mute your mic, and watch Netflix during class, many students have been feeling the negative effects of online learning.  

However, we have compiled a list of some ways that you can avoid procrastination and multitasking while learning virtually:

1.     One Screen at a Time

While you are in a virtual class, it’s important to focus on just one screen at a time. This could either be one computer/phone screen or one tab. Staying focused on one piece of information at a time is vital when trying to remain engaged in class.

2.     Video On

When you are in a virtual class, it can be tempting to turn your video off and zone out. However, it’s important that you keep your video on so the professor knows that you’re engaged in the conversation. Plus, it will be harder to multitask if you know that your professor can see you.

3.     Take Breaks

Sitting in one spot every day for the entire day can be taxing on anyone’s physical and mental health. So, be sure to get up and move around every hour. You can do this by going for a walk, doing some quick stretches/yoga, or cooking a healthy meal. Whatever you do, remember to break up your work, this will allow you to avoid procrastination.

4.     Recognize When “Enough is Enough”

Because activities are virtual now, it can be tempting to say “yes” to every opportunity that is thrown your way, whether that be an extracurricular, social, or work-related activity. However, to avoid burn out and procrastination of important tasks, recognize that you cannot spread yourself too thin.

Hopefully, by the time City College opens back up, we can all look back on our virtual learning experience as both a challenge and a valuable experience. With these tips, we hope you can find some fun in virtual learning.

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